I know far too much about the John F. Kennedy assassination. Here is proof.
The Kennedy Assassination: A- Z
Alex Hidell - One of L. H. Oswald’s aliases. This name was used to order the Mannlicher rifle that was found on the sixth floor of the Book Depository. The alias was easily traceable to Lee, leading conspiracy buffs to conclude it was used purposefully in order to frame him. Lone Gunmen theorists suggest it was a part of Oswald’s plan to gain renown after the assassination.
Book Depository – Oswald was working at the Texas School Book Depository, stacking texts for roughly minimum wage on November 23, 1963. From the Sixth floor of this building, he allegedly fired three shots into John F. Kennedy, the first piercing his throat and the third ripping off his head.
Clay Shaw - The only man to be indicted as a conspirator in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, Shaw was best known as the director of the New Orleans International Trade Mart. Years after his trial, it was revealed that he was, in fact, a covert agent working in New Orleans for the CIA. The case against Shaw as a conspirator was weak at best, based on suspect eyewitness accounts of his ties to the New Orleans homosexual underworld and specifically to his acquaintance with David Ferrie, an active member of the campaign to overthrow Fidel Castro with Lee Harvey Oswald. Clay Shaw is terrifying looking.

David Ferrie – Allegedly a big part of Jim Garrison’s case to convict Clay Shaw, Ferrie was a pilot and flying instructor in Louisiana. He died a few months before the trial took place. His connection to the assassination is confusing. Ferrie was undoubtedly involved in some very illicit dealings, and seems almost indisputably to be linked with the CIA. He was a part of Operation Mongoose, a campaign to train Cuban refugees to reinvade Cuba after the Bay of Pigs failure, which was shut down by Kennedy in ’62. A known homosexual who was defrocked by the Catholic church after his orientation was made plain, Ferry’s connection to Garrison’s case seems to come mostly from his homosexual dealings and his aforementioned connection to Lee Harvey Oswald, who served in a squadron that Ferrie taught at Moisant Airport. He also worked for the attorney of Carlos Marcello. A friend of Guy Bannister, the New Orleans P.I. that seems to be another link between the Office of Naval Intelligence, the CIA, and the N.O. underground, told reporters and the FBI that he believed David Ferrie hypnotized Lee Harvey Oswald and convinced him to murder JFK. David Ferrie is very weird looking.

Electrical failure – Some workers at the Book Depository where Oswald worked and some Dallas Policemen claim that at the time of the assassination the power in the building went dead and Channel One, the channel the DPD was using to coordinate motorcade protection was suddenly immobilized.
Fidel Castro – Many conspiracy theorists believe the undying Cuban dictator was behind the plot to assassinate Kennedy. In the early 1960’s, Robert Kennedy, then Attorney General under his brother, was waging a full-on campaign to unseat the bearded wonder in anyway possible. The most famous example of this was the “exploding cigar” incident. Some conspiracy buffs believe Oswald was working covertly for Cuba when he shot Kennedy. They sight a trip he took 6 months prior to the assassination to Mexico City where he allegedly met with officials from Cuba. The House Select Committee that investigated the assassination in the 70’s claimed to find no evidence that Oswald met with anyone from Cuba during this trip. They declined, however, to say just what he did do in Mexico. For his part, Castro has denied any involvement, saying that he would have essentially signed Cuba’s death warrant by killing the commander-in-chief of its greatest enemy.
Garrison, Jim – The only man to bring a case in the murder of JFK, Garrison was immortalized in Oliver Stone’s film. The portrait painted there is, of course, quite flattering, but there are other aspects of Garrison’s personality worth exploring. In numerous taped interviews, Garrison comes of as a bit of an egotist, convinced he knows exactly what happened in Dallas, and talking very big, obviously looking to make a name for himself. He began his investigation convinced that the assassination was a “homosexual thrill-killing” perpetrated by New Orleans gays. His theory grew and grew until the entire U.S. Government seemed to be implicated. Unfortunately, he was unable to muster very much proof and his case failed after a jury took less than 2 hours to acquit Clay Shaw. He is the author of the book
On the Trial of the Assassins and served for a long time after the trial on the Louisiana Court of Appeal, elected to two ten year terms.
Howard Hunt – The “mastermind” behind the Watergate break-in during the Nixon Administration, some conspiracy buffs fancy Hunt is one of the “hobos” being led to a Dallas Police Jail on the morning of the assassination. Here are pictures of them. You decide. (Hunt is top left - apparently the other comparisons are of other CIA/Washington people and hobos that were arrested that day.)

Intelligence agencies – Many people surrounding Lee Harvey Oswald were connected to some kind of intelligence agency. His wife’s father was a part of the Russian Ministry of the Interior and possibly connected to the KGB. Oswald himself was a radar operator for the U.S. Military and some believe he used secrets about Gary Power’s U2 spy plane to gain entry to Russia during his brief defection. His main contact in New Orleans after his return to the U.S. was George de Mohrenschildt who has, on separate occasions in history, been linked to French Intelligence, Post-War German Intelligence, a pro-Nazi campaign to kill Joseph Stalin, and the oil interests of Prescott Bush.
(This sentence is from Wikipedia: On March 29, 1977, while on a break from the interview, de Mohrenschildt received a card from Gaeton Fonzi an investigator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations. That afternoon he committed suicide by shooting himself in the mouth with a shotgun..) Oswald shared an office in New Orleans with Guy Bannister, a former ONI officer, CIA contact, and aid to the anti-Castro Cubans. David Ferrie trained Oswald as a pilot. He is linked to Bannister and various government attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro or overthrow the Cuban dictator.
Joe Kennedy – The Kennedy family patriarch, Joe Kennedy was the son of Irish immigrants. He built the family from nothing, exploiting every crevice of the American capitalist system. He bootlegged liquor during Prohibition, dealt hand-in-hand with the Chicago mafia, and inflated the price of stocks on an unregulated Wall Street before the Great Depression. Some have speculated that Joe’s blind ambition put a curse on his family that survives to this day. The curse was an idea even Jackie Kennedy believed in. Joe’s final ambition for himself was to be U.S. President, but that dream ended with his profoundly isolationist views during the beginning of the Second World War and rumors tying him to the Nazi party and Communism. When his eldest son, Joe Jr., was killed in an air attack during the war, the task of becoming President fell to his second son, John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
Knoll – As in “Grassy.” The subject of much debate, many people believe there was a second gunman that fired at Kennedy from this position. During the House Select Committee’s investigation into the assassination during the late 70’s, forensic scientists thought they had proved the existence of a second shooter by examining the tape evidence of a Dallas Police Officer, who had left his radio switched on during the attack. They convinced the Committee that there were, in fact, 4 shots fired that day, leading many to conclude at least one must have come from the Grassy Knoll. This evidence was later disputed, however, and to this day remains inconclusive. Testimony by a Railroad Supervisor named Lee Bowers Jr. and other witness indicate suspicious activity on the Knoll before the shooting, but much of it seems just as likely to have been Secret Service protection procedures as it was preparation by would-be assassins.
L. Fletcher Prouty – After a 23 year military career, where he rose to the rank of colonel and served with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Fletcher Prouty wrote two books. One called
The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World and another called
JFK: The CIA, Vietnam, and the Plot to Assassinate John F. Kennedy. He is a vocal opponent of the CIA and argues the postulation of a “global elite” that controls world affairs. He is purportedly the inspiration for the Mr. X character in Oliver Stone’s film
Marcello, Carlos – The target of a very active and public war against the mafia by JFK’s Attorney General Robert Kennedy, Carlos Marcello was the kingpin of the south, allegedly gaining power under Huey Long and exploiting it through racketeering, prostitution and the drug trade. An illegal alien, Marcello was deported by the U.S. government in the early 60’s after staying in the country illegally for two decades. He was dropped by helicopter into the middle of a jungle in Guatemala and left to his own devices. Marcello swore retribution against the Kennedy’s, whom he blamed for his deportation and the crackdown on his business. He also allegedly found the Kennedy family ungrateful, stating that Joe Kennedy, JFK’s father, had used his mafia connections in the North to get his son elected. In a conversation concerning RFK, he is quoted as saying, “You cut off the head, the tail dies,” obviously suggesting that by killing the President you could neutralize his brother.
(N-Z coming someday...)