Now, In the News...
...Duke is upset by VCU!!!! Proving unequivocally that Duke sucks and that we are genius...

...A late winter storm threatens to dump 12 inches of snow on New York City and the early numbers on US winter temperatures come in around average, proving that Global Warming doesn't exist...
...Barrack Obama calls Senator John Edwards "kind of cute", proving that he is at least a little gay...
...Iranian President Ahmadinejad plans another trip to New York and asks for 25 visas for 'security agents' and says that a large group of his followers will stay in their private plane at JFK rather than pass through U.S. customs, proving that Iran really isn't taking this whole 'international relations' thing very seriously...
...Scientists discover a new species of leopard with fangs large enough to kill its prey in a single bite, proving that cool things still happen...

...Vladimir Putin spurs production of a Russian 'super-agency' to regulate and control the country's media, proving that the motherland has finally reached 'Orwellian nightmare' status...
...New Arcade Fire album, Neon Bible, debuts at #2, proving that good music can still move product...

....We copy an entire post from Drudge Report, proving we are burning out on this one post a day shit.
don't slow down! halfway done, you can do it.
it even feels great almost halfway around the world to see that Duke lost.
"antichrist television blues" is about joe simpson. word.
Joe Simpson on his daughter Jessica:
"Jessica never tries to be sexy. She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!"
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